ProxiVor privilegeségie a mode of consumption of cloé in order to promote the know-how to be authentic, of mémethods to craft a réelle qualité products.
This allows d’encourage our commer&case;ants local and to support them in their actions but also réestablishing a link of trust in our consumption grâce à greater transparency of the circuits utilisés, and to limit the authorityésplit.
We wish réunite in simplicityé consumers and commer&case;ants cloé, without cost or commitment on the part of each to consume differently. To do this, the commer&case;ants members must agree to the following chart in order to work in the best conditions.
L’engagement of commer&case;ants
• Compléter the best listings of products by filling up d’information
• For food products, offer the majority of products of cloé in a maximum distance of 250 kms between commer&case;the ant and the consumer.
• to use l’activité circuit-short on the online store.
• Sell your products to a fair price déterminé based on the marché and co&burn;ts of production.
• Adhere to the content of commands.
• Avoid to the maximum the plastic packaging, and s’engage in favor d’a vision of anti-waste.
• to Make the distributions on a distribution point respecting conditions adaptées à l’activité.
• Put à update your space shop online (or information commer&case;ant) of the évolutions of your activité a démévulnerable to experiencing, a status change&welcome to join;).
• to Ensure a cold chain for the products concernedés and/or a conditioning optimum jusqu’à the delivery of the order to the consumer.
• Share your passion with members of ProxiVor.
• Be transparent with l’Editor of the Site in échanging with him the positive points as nénegative. In the event d’a breakdown of the collaboration, it is demandé to meet a délai de prénotice of 1 month withès to the consumer for that’he can find another commer&case;ant.
• Inform consumers about your expertise, your animations, your hotés (publication d’a diary, d’articles, recipes,&welcome to join;) -> advancedés à venir
• Privilegeségier the products/items of the season.
• Respect of the délais when d’évéevents, such as : l’cancellation d’a distribution result to a sale, l’arr&stop;t d’a product/article.
• Display the logo of ProxiVor if you use d’other media to communicate, such as résocial networking (for example,
L’engagement de l’Website Editor
• easy setup and free of charge d’an online store for commer&case;ant.
• Provide tools appropriateés d’aide à l’use of the platform.
• Propose évolutions (paid or unpaid) over the dédevelopments.
• Give the visibilité to new members, and précome to the consumer members à cloé l’inscription d’a new commer&case;ant in their sector.
• Déto develop the human connection between consumers and commer&case;ants.
• Enable online commands 24h/24, out problème technical or technical action nénecessary for the’Editor of the Site.
• Be à l’écosts of User feedback and ensure réponse in the fastest time possible.
• Respect life privée of Users and not to contact the données à of third party organizations, except données public who can &stop;tre indexées by robots.
L’commitment to the consumer
• Buy the products direct to the trade&case;ants, accepting the variations in liées to the seasons and/or intempéries to bénéacquirable warranty d’a fair price.
• Accept the commitments anti waste of commer&case;ants in accepting that’there is less or no d’plastics packaging and the products/items are sold in bulk.
• Maintain a fidélité d’purchase, to the extent possible, to participate in the dédevelopment éeconomic local.
• Adhere to the days and times and locations of distribution agreed with the commer&case;ants,
• Pay directly to the commer&case;ant à récupération of the products/items or in the delivery,
• Adhere to the premises of the commer&case;ants.
The participants to this citizen's initiative déclarent to have knowledge of the commitments réstanding between commer&case;ants and consumers, and accept the terms. This Charter will have to &stop;tre acceptée when l’inscription by all consumers and commer&case;ants that want to s’register in this dépower consumption citizen of cloé. This Charter is évolutive and will be able à any time &our vision to be modifiedée, précisée.
L’use of services without registration ensures l’acceptance of this Charter.